On 15 October 2023, the ARRTI symposium "Smart City: more sustainable and liveable?", organized in cooperation with the KIT Institute for Urban and Landscape Design (IESL) and KIT Science Week, took place at the Triangel. With the participation of 60 Karlsruhe citizens and five experts from the fields of architecture and urban research, the smart city concept was discussed and how it is suitable as a possible solution for the major challenges facing modern cities.
On 18 July 2023, the Deutsche Telekom Female Excellence Award, endowed with a total of €7,500, was presented for the first time at the ARRTI Academy evening in the Triangle building. The patroness of the event was Claudia Nemat, member of the Deutsche Telekom Board of Management and Heinrich Hertz Guest Professor.
The theme of the international competition was "Ethics of digitization", picking up on the current trend towards critical discussion of topics related to research on AI and AI-supported systems. The focus was deliberately on the positive aspects of AI and in particular on how AI can help us to orientate ourselves more responsibly in an increasingly complex world. Of the many outstanding submissions, two stood out in particular, so the jury decided to award one prize in the STEM subjects and another in the humanities and social sciences.
The decision has been made: two research projects have been chosen as the winners of the KIT Responsible Innovation Challenge 2023 and will each receive 80,000 euros in funding. During the 12-month funding period, the ARRTI-sponsored prize also includes an accompanying reflections on the various dimensions of responsibility in each project, in line with the call to "do good in a good way".
HaptoPrint and SignMeUp emerge as the winning teams with their pioneering ideas. HaptoPrint empowers visually impaired students with 3D-printed educational experiences, while SignMeUp translates real-time gestures to simplify communication among the hearing-impaired. Excited for ARRTI team's support in the coming months.
To support our work we are continuously looking for student assistants.
You can expect interesting and responsible activities within an interdisciplinary project of excellence.
Current vacancies are linked below. But also unsolicited applications are always welcome!
Unser Privatleben, unsere Gesellschaften und Arbeitswelten verändern sich rasant. Eine zentrale Rolle dabei spielen neue Technologien – insbesondere die fortschreitende Digitalisierung hat einen vielschichtigen und weitreichenden Einfluss auf sämtliche Bereiche. Das wirft zahlreiche Grundsatzfragen auf, die Christian Uhle und Michael Kühler in ihrem Blockseminar am ZAK gemeinsam mit den Teilnehmenden diskutieren werden.
Das Teaser-Video zum Blockseminar sowie weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der unten verlinkten Seite.
The prize for the second KIT Sustainable Innovation Challenge goes to the team of Batcam and their idea to develop glasses that warn of obstacles, as well as recognize objects and much more. The idea is to create a platform that will support blind people in their daily life's. The prize, funded by ARRTI, includes a 6-month sponsorship for the Challenge winners. This support is intended in particular to kick-start the team's further development and thus contribute to the realization of the business idea.
The prize for the first KIT Sustainable and Responsible Innovation Challenge goes to the two research projects FIMMaterial and NEWOOD, which harness innovative materials based on mycelium (structural part of fungi) for industrial application.
During the 12-month funding period, the ARRTI-sponsored prize also includes joint reflection on possible consequences of the aforementioned project goals and the resources used, in line with the call to "do good in a good way".

In the project "Research and Ethics - towards a structured approach for discussing ELSI problems", a framework will be developed in order to help researchers to practically meet the requirements of ELSI problems in everyday research.
The new ARRTI project "Code of Ethics for Real-World Labs" seeks answers to the ethical challenges of the participatory and transformational nature of real-world lab research.
Start-up "Aufklärwerk" wins the ARRTI co-financed Sustainability Award of the GROW start-up competition. Aufklärwerk is a digital platform for the mediation of social education and encounter offers.
New publication in German edited by ARRTI director Rafaela Hillerbrand and head of ITAS Armin Grunwald.
Idea for a modular battery system wins the KIT Sustainable Innovation Challenge 2021, hosted by ARRTI, and receives 6-month sponsorship.
ARRTI participates in one of BMBF's pilot projects: "Wissenschaft. Zukunft. Zuhause." Scientists talk about their research on the topic of "climate and environment" in their home region and discuss with the audience.