
Responsible AI
Funding: Responsible AI. Winners of the RRC 2023

Two research-projects have been chosen as winners: “AI4NAPP”, which aims to develop a new model of production planning that considers a holistic sustainability approach and “ML4RW”, which aims to address the issues of reducing food waste and improving energy utilization efficiency through the design of more accurate time-series-prediction machine-learning algorithms. The ARRTI-Team and -Network congratulates the winners and is excited to support the two projects as ARRTI-Fellows in the coming months.

Ethics in the Lab Workshopsmalllikeheart /
Ethic in the Labs: A Workshop for Junior Scientists

Always at the start of a semester, ARRTI offers a workshop for junior scientists on how to address moral challenges in their work.


The workshop provides general skills and knowledge of research ethics needed for scientists to address the questions raised above. Participants attain the skills to rationally reflect on their role as a scientist from an ethical standpoint, including the specific expectations that role involves in a broader social context. The workshop will show that successful research goes hand in hand with ethical and responsible research.


Watch for current dates in our calendar!

Podcast: Unsicherheiten, Technikfolgen und deren ethische Bewertung

ARRTI-Direktorin Prof. Dr. Dr. Rafaela Hillerbrand zu Gast beim Podcast "Zuküfte2go":


Die Welt ist komplex. Abläufe werden beschleunigt, technische Neuerungen übernehmen unseren Alltag. Dabei stellen wir uns die Frage, was ist richtig, und was ist falsch? Welche Folgen hat die Nutzung neuer Technologien? Was lehrt uns die Erkenntnistheorie und welches strategisches Rüstzeug brauchen wir, um heute und zukünftig mündig agieren und argumentieren zu können? Und was bedeutet ARRTI überhaupt?

ARRTI beim Kolloquium Fundamentale zum Thema WissenschaftsfreiheitZAK/Felix Grünschloss
Video: Inwiefern und zu welchem Zweck ist die Wissenschaft frei?

In der Reihe "Colloquium Fundamentale: Politik in der Wissenschaft. Vom Zweck der Forschung in modernen Gesellschaften" des ZAK sprachen Elisabeth Does und Marcel Krüger mit Prof. Dr. Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer über den Zweck von Wissenschaftsfreiheit.


Diese Veranstaltung ist zugleich die Premiere des neuen ARRTI-Formats "Das philosophische Gespräch".


Our Services

Bild Research

The Institute of Human and Industrial Engineering (IFAB) offers workshops for researchers on ELSI topics (Ethical, Legal and Social Implications). These workshops enable researchers to consider the implications of their research from a global perspective, rather than a purely technical or economic one.

Bild Innovation

Researchers are supported by the Innovation subproject on their journey from ideation towards the development of a business model through a wide variety of extra-/curricular offers. Together with EnTechnon Institute for example, we offer this via the Acceleration Program upCAT. We also offer specific Challenges within ARRTI for Researchers from KIT. Furthermore, we provide Networking opportunities together with Gründerschmiede.




A complete overview of all our events can be found here.


If you got any questions or requests, you can contact us via E-Mail